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Starfinder Scenarios

Below is a sortable table of published Starfinder scenarios. Hover over a column heading to sort ascending or descending.

Name Tier Repeatable Nova /Exclusive Other Tags
Quest 1 Into the Unknown 1 Yes Quest,, Starship
1-00 Claim to Salvation 4 Starship
1-01 The Commencement 1-2 Yes
1-02 Fugitive on the Red Planet 1-4 nan
1-03 Yesteryear's Truth 1-4 Faction (Wayfinders), Starship
1-04 Cries from the Drift 1-4 Faction (Exo-Guardians), Starship
1-05 The First Mandate 1-4 Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
1-06 A Night in Nightarch 3-6 nan
1-07 The Solar Sortie 1-4 Faction (Dataphiles), Starship
1-08 Sanctuary of Drowned Delight 3-6 Faction (Wayfinders)
1-09 Live Exploration Extreme! 1-4
1-10 The Half-Alive Streets 1-4 nan
1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
1-12 Ashes of Discovery 1-4 Yes Starship
1-13 On the Trail of History 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
1-14 Star Sugar Heartlove!!! 3-6 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Exo-Guardians)
1-15 Save the Renkrodas 3-6 Faction (Acquisitives), Vehicle
1-16 Dreaming of the Future 1-4 Yes Quest, Starship
1-17 Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear 5-8 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
1-18 The Blackmoon Survey 1-4
1-19 To Conquer the Dragon 5-8 Starship
1-20 Duskmire Accord 9 1-4 nan
1-21 Yesteryear's Sorrow 3-6 Faction (Exo-Guardians)
1-22 The Protectorate Petition 1-4
1-23 Return to Sender 5-8 Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Dataphiles)
1-24 Siege of Enlightenment 1-4 Starship
1-25 The Beacon Code Dilemma 3-6 Yes
1-26 Truth of the Seeker 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura])
1-27 King Xeros of Star Azlant 5-8 Starship
1-28 It Rests Beneath 1-4 Faction (Wayfinders), Vehicle
1-29 Honorbound Emissaries 7-10 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
1-30 Survivor's Salvation 1-4 Faction (Exo-Guardians)
1-31 Treading History's Folly 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura])
1-32 Acts of Association 1-4 Yes
1-33 Data Breach 3-6 Faction (Dataphiles)
1-34 Heart of the Foe 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura]), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
1-35 Rasheen's Riches 5-8 Faction (Acquisitives), Starship
1-36 Enter the Ashen Asteroid 1-4
1-37 Siege of Civility 5-8 Faction (Wayfinders)
1-38 The Many Minds of Historia 5-8 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Exo-Guardians)
1-39 The Herald's War 7-10 Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura]), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion 1-8 Exclusive Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
02-00 Fate of the Scoured God 1-12 Yes (Subtiers) Exclusive Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura]), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
02-01 Pact World Warriors 1-4 Faction (Acquisitives)
02-02 Waking the Past 3-6
02-03 The Withering World 1-4 Yes Quest, Starship
02-04 Future's Fall 7-10
02-05 Meeting of Queens 1-4 Starship
02-06 The Stumbling Society, Part 1: Sangoro's Lament 5-8 Faction (Exo-Guardians)
02-07 Four for the First 1-4 Yes Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]),
02-08 The Stumbling Society, Part 2: Sangoro's Gifts 5-8 Faction (Wayfinders)
02-09 Bluerise Breakout 1-4
02-10 Corporate Interests 3-6 Yes Quest, Starship
02-11 Descent into Verdant Shadow 3-6 nan
02-12 Colossus Heist 7-10 Faction (Acquisitives), Vehicle
02-13 Storm of the End Times 1-4 Vehicle
02-14 Data Purge 9-12 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
02-15 The Infernal Gallery 1-4 Starship
02-16 A Scoured Home 5-8 Faction (Second Seekers [Jadnura]), Faction (Wayfinders)
02-17 Cost of Living 3-6
02-18 Forbidden Tides 7-10 Faction (Exo-Guardians)
02-19 Truth Keepers 3-6 Yes
02-20 Shades of Spite 7-10 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])
02-21 Illegal Shipment 1-4 Faction (Exo-Guardians), Faction (Wayfinders)
02-22 Rasheen's Reception 5-8 Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Dataphiles)
02-23 The Edge of Cadascon 3-6
02-24 Cornered Rat 9-12 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
03-00 The Last Bite 1-8 Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo]), Starship
03-01 Crash Down 1-4 Survival
03-02 The Subterranean Safari 3-6 Faction (Acquisitives)
01-98 Into the Perplexity: The First Trial 3-6 Exclusive
03-03 Frozen Ambitions: The Shimmerstone Gateway 1-4 Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif])
03-04 The Vast Experiment: Falling into Deliverance 5-8 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Wayfinders)
03-05 The Hivemarket Heist 1-4 Starship
03-06 Rise of the Vault Lord 7-10
03-07 Strike at Zone 78 3-6 Faction (Exo-Guardians), Vehicle
03-08 Fleeting Truth: The Darkside Depository 9-12
03-09 Frozen Ambitions: Freeing the Herd 1-4
03-10 Live Adventure Extreme! 5-8 Yes Starship
03-11 Into the Veskarium 3-6 Yes Starship
03-12 The Vast Experiment: First Flight 5-8 Starship
03-13 Silence at Outpost 634 1-4
03-14 Fleeting Truth: Hollow Lies 9-12
03-15 Frozen Ambitions: The Preluria Connection 1-4 Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif]), Vehicle
03-16 The Vast Experiment: Fast Choices 5-8 Starship
03-17 Clone Batch Catastrophe 1-4 nan
03-18 Secrets in Stillness 3-6 Faction (Acquisitives)
03-19 Rat's Repentance 1-4 Yes Quest, Vehicle
03-20 Fleeting Truth: Everchanging Revelation 11-14 Nova
03-21 Frozen Ambitions: Renewal's Blight 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif])
03-22 The Vast Experiment: Dancing at the Edge 7-10 Faction (Exo-Guardians, Wayfinders), Starship
Intro 1 The First Test 1-2 Yes
Intro 2 For the Factions 1-2 Yes Starship
04-01 Starfinder Society Intro: Year of the Data Scourge 1-4 Yes Metaplot (Data Scourge)
04-02 Settling Accounts 1-4 Faction (Acquisitives), Starship
04-03 Battle for the Beacon 5-8 Starship, Metaplot (Data Scourge)
04-04 Mission Not Found 3-6 Faction (Dataphiles), Metaplot (Data Scourge)
04-05 A Waltz Through Myriad Worlds 1-4 Yes Quest, Starship
03-99 Perils of the Past 1-8 Nova
04-06 Combatant's Concerto: Prelude to Revolution 3-6
04-07 A Haven for Scourged Machines 7-10 Metaplot (Data Scourge), Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif])
04-08 Precious Cargo 1-4 nan
04-09 Through Sea and Storm 9-12 Nova Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif), Starship
04-10 The Way In 5-8 Metaplot (Data Scourge), Faction (Exo-Guardians), Starship
4-11 A World's Ambition 7-10 Metaplot (Data Scourge)
4-12 A Festive Operation 3-6 Yes
4-13 Hard Reset 1-4 Metaplot (Data Scourge)
4-14 Rasheen's Remembrance 7-10 Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif])
4-15 Feuding Faiths 5-8 Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Dataphiles), Metaplot (Year of the Data Scourge
4-16 Hope for the Future 5-8 Metaplot (Data Scourge), Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Exo-Guardians), Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif]), Faction (Wayfinders)
5-01 Intro: Year of Redemption's Rise 1-4 Yes Metaplot (Redemption's Rise), Faction (Advocates), Faction (Cognates), Faction (Manifold Host)
5-02 Road to Reconciliation 3-6 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Wayfinders)
5-03 Combatant's Concerto: Fugue of the Traitor 7-10 Faction (Exo-Guardians), Mech
5-04 Fragment of the 4th 9-12 Nova Drift Crisis, Faction (Wayfinders), Starship
5-05 Boom-Block Gambit 5-8 Faction (Exo-Guardians, Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif]), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise)
5-06 Tarnished Legacy: Historia's Holdout 1-4 Faction (Dataphiles), Faction (Exo-Guardians)
5-07 Planar Bloom 5-8 Drift Crisis
5-08 Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!! 1-4 Drift Crisis
5-09 Counterfeit History 3-6 Faction (Advocates)
5-10 Shadow of the Vault Lord 9-12 Faction (Dataphiles), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise), Starship
5-11 Archivist’s inquiry 1-4 nan nan Faction (Cognates), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise)
5-12 Envar’s Expeditions 3-6 Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif], Wayfinders), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise), Starship
5-13 Finding the Forgotten 7-10 Faction (Second Seekers [Ehu Hadif], Wayfinders), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise), Starship
5-14 Ghost Level Delve 1-4 Drift Crisis, Faction (Advocates, Manifold Host)
5-15 Beta test 11-14 Nova
5-16 To Catch a King 5-8 Faction (Acquisitives), Metaplot (Year of Redemption's Rise), Vehicle

Note that Exclusives and Glyphs are used interchangeably by Paizo. The author's understanding is that Nova-tagged, non-special (non-exclusive) can be repeated up to 3 times to count for the 10 specials. Specials (regardless of how they're tagged) count an unlimited number of times.


For maps used in SFS Scenarios, see Flip Mats & Map Packs in PFS & SFS - Cont. by William Cheung (originally compiled by Michael Eshleman)