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Warhorn for Organizers

Authored by Joel Hager

This portion of the guide assumes more familiarity with Warhorn; thus, it will contain fewer screenshots than the player's guide.

Creating an Event

To create an event, click on Submit an Event. Then, name the event.


Keep in mind that the event name will also be a hotlink on the Warhorn site to your event’s page, so make sure to name it something easily identifiable. For example, a lodge at the Ellsworth station in Antarctica might be named “Ellsworth Antarctica Organized Play.”

Next, set the event as a one-time event or recurring event.

  • By default, the This is a one-time event box is checked and requires a date or date range to be entered.
  • If your event is to be recurring, uncheck the one-time event box. No dates will be required for entry at this time (this will be handled later).

Nest, provide an event location (blended online and in-person event setup is possible with the software and is set up during the scheduling of a session).

  • If it is to be held online, put a check in the This event is held online box.
  • If the event is to be an in-person event, leave the This event is held online box unchecked.
  • If the event is to be a blend of in-person and online, it is your choice how to handle the This event is held online box, but best practice would be to make sure to add to the details of the event that it will be both.
  • If the event is to be private, check the This event is private box.

nest, place any additional comments in the comments box.

  • It may be considered best practice to make sure to include any rules your lodge has for signing up or any other rules that players should know before they decide to join.

Finally, select either Submit your event with a donation or Submit your event for free.

Event Dashboard

Wait for Warhorn staff to email you to tell you your event site is live. This will give you access to the event dashboard. When you have access, you should be able to see new dropdowns on the top right of the screen:

Tools icon: Here you can manage the schedule, scenarios, registrations, venues, fees, and archive or delete your event.
List icon: Here you can manage the event's setup, including the Title, Contact, Dates, Location, Details, Fee Settings, Roles, Options, and Integrations.

Make any alterations needed to finish setting up the event by first clicking the Setup dropdown button at the top right of the screen. These might include:

  • Title (if changes are needed)
  • Your contact information
  • Dates (again, this will only be required for a one-time event)
  • Location
  • Details (This is where you can get specific about the event, and should contain enough information for players to know how your event will work.)
  • Fee Settings (If your event requires any participation fees, whether a badge fee, a table fee, charitable donation fee, or any other fee, players and GMs alike should be made aware in advance.)

Set up Roles

Each role has predefined permissions that you can customize. They include managing the event, managing the session, and viewing [player information. Default roles are:

  • Attendee
  • GM
  • Staff

You can assign additional roles as you see fit. it is considered a best practice to not allow players to see one another's personal information such as email or discord usernames.


Some hybrid events create custom roles like "In-Person Player" and "Online Player" to differentiate players who play at the local game store versus those who play online; another example might be a local and non-local player. Roles are a great way to customize your events.

Opening the Event

When the event is ready, put a check in the box labeled Attendees can register for this event. Optionally, you can also have a custom registration message sent to anyone when they register for the event. A custom message can be a good way to welcome players.

The Discord connection is set to Ignore by default, meaning attendees are not required to have their Discord account connected to their Warhorn account, however, it is highly suggested that for online events this be changed to Required if your lodge uses Discord for voice chat.

Signup options

There are several options available to organizers.

  • You can automatically clear registrants to participate (leaving this box unchecked makes it require a manual review and approval)
  • You can enable a GM Signup List
    • Additionally, as with Roles, you can permit the GM to manage the details of their sessions and/or allow GMs to see participation contact info by checking the appropriate boxes here, which will then be used as the default permissions for every GM sign up.
    • Enable waitlisting can be used for two primary reasons: to let players sign up in case of someone backing out, and to gauge player interest.
      • If the waitlist size warrants it, it would be advisable to attempt to find additional GM(s), if the desire is there to play at the specifically set date and time
      • Alternatively, if there is no desire by all players to play at the scheduled date and time, it could be used to set up an additional session at another time.
      • Waitlists are ordered automatically (first in, first out) by Warhorn, and cannot be altered by event staff. In the event, a new session is added and it will pull players from the waitlist, which will be automated based on signup order.

Enable monthly calendar view

Enabling the monthly calendar view will allow users to look at your scheduled sessions by either an Agenda view or a Calendar view, permitting them to jump to specific dates.


This specific setting is only useful if you have a Facebook page, which then adds a Facebook Like button or box to your event page.

Manage the Event

The button immediately to the left of the Setup button is the Manage button. This button allows you to make changes to the schedule, scenarios, registrations, venues, and registration fees (each has its listing on the dropdown menu). Note: - For ongoing games, such as Organized Play games, the two that will be used most frequently will be Schedule and Scenarios.

Manage Schedule

To add your first session, click on the Add The Next Occurrence button.

  1. In the new window, set the start date, start time, time zone, and session duration, and hit save.
    1. Once the occurrence is added, click the Add Another Slot button if you plan to have multiple sessions, and repeat the above steps.
  2. Click on the time slot that is now under the date of your occurrence
    1. On this new screen, click on Add A Session
      • In the new window, select the scenario you are planning to run for this slot (I would advise following the steps in the Manage Scenarios area before the Manage Schedule area, as the official scenarios that can be chosen in this section need to be added before scheduling them to link directly to the scenario description and information on Paizo’s website) by beginning to type it in. (Starfinder’s prefix is SFS. Pathfinder prefixes are PF1 and PF2, respectively.)
      • Select or verify the language the game will be run in
      • Set the number of tables and number of players per table (keeping in mind that the maximum number of OP players, by rule, is 6)
      • Add any specific notes for the session and scenario
      • Make sure there is a check next to Active before saving, or your new session will not show on the agenda or calendar views of your event.
    2. Click on the Scenario name link that will have now been created to manage the session further.
      • For Online Games: If possible indicate which VTT is in use as well as where the Discord server information and invitations will be placed for online games. You can also set up session specific-permissions for each role vs. the global permissions previously mentioned.
        1. Click on Add Virtual Tabletop and select the appropriate choice from the list. Note: There is an Other choice, in the event the one you use is not listed.
          1. Input the appropriate server information or link for web apps to share with players. Note: - For Fantasy Grounds Unity, you will also need to choose if this is a Cloud or a LAN game and provide the GM Name and the table password, if there is one.
          2. Provide the name of the VTT (Mine is named “Starfinder Society Organized Play”, and users will search for me either by my GM name, the VTT name, or both)
          3. Add any notes and hit save
        2. Add Voice/Chat Services, if you are using any
          1. Select the appropriate service from the dropdown menu
          2. Provide the Server Invite Link (for Discord, you will also need to provide the names of the text and voice channels, as well as any invitation links for the specific channels).
          3. Add the Server Name, any notes you feel applicable, and hit save.
      • For In-Person events, it will work similarly, choosing the venues previously added instead of choosing a VTT and Voice service.
        • It is possible to use this feature to set up a singular event for a lodge, adding all VOs as Staff to then give them access to schedule their sessions instead of each need to set up their event. Boston PFS is already doing this.

Manage Scenarios

Before you can schedule games, you must first add scenarios. This is achieved in the manage Scenarios area.

Add Global Scenarios

This option has access to Paizo’s database of scenarios to choose from to add to your event.

Pathfinder is broken out into PF1 and PF2 as the prefixes, and either AP or Mod to select adventure paths or scenarios. Starfinder’s prefix is SF and is broken out as AP, Mod (currently only used for the Free RPG Day Skitter Adventures), or SFS #-##, with the numbers indicating the season and scenario number.

To add a scenario, start typing the system's prefix, followed by the scenario number or type. You can also type in the scenario name, and it should pick it up. You will need to do this every time Paizo comes out with new scenarios, or you want to run something your event hasn't run before.

Add Custom Scenarios

  1. Provide the scenario name
  2. Leave checked or remove the check (as required) from the box indicating if this is an Organized Play Campaign Scenario.
  3. Type in a few characters for the game system
  4. Optional fields can be used to include the following:
    1. Author
    2. Min Level
    3. Max Level
    4. Number of players per table
    5. Scenario blurb
    6. Cover art image URL
    7. External URL
    8. Custom Copy

Manage Registrations

In this section, you can clear people to sign up for sessions (if you do not have automatic clearing turned on), unclear them (if need be), or add registrations. This section also shows you if any of the users have not paid their fee (if there is one).


A note on adding registrations - if the user you are attempting to add to your event already has an account on Warhorn, this will not work, as using this action creates a new Warhorn account for the user credentials you are submitting.

By clicking on an existing registered user’s name on the list, you will be able to go into their registration and add them to roles other than the default Attendee role.

Manage Venues

Here, you can add in-person venues, public or private, for inclusion in your event. You will need the following information to add a venue:

  • Venue name
  • Address
  • City
  • Country
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone Number

Be sure to review the Visibility area of the venue entry, as it defaults to the public, permitting anyone on the site to see the address and phone number of the venue, which you may not want if you’re also using this for your home game and put in your personal information for the venue information.

Registration Fees

To add a Base fee:

  1. Set a name for the fee
  2. Set the fee amount
  3. Default fee, Public fee, and Active fee.
    • If there's one public active base fee, it will be automatically selected at registration time. If there is more than one public active base fee, the registrant will be required to select one of them, and the one chosen as default will be preselected.

To add an Extra fee or Discount:

  1. Set a name for the fee
  2. Set the fee amount
  3. Public fee, and Active Fee (there is help text on the site about these, though some of it is not very clear, aside from that leaving the box checked for Public Fee makes it open for everyone on the site to see, and the others may only truly apply if you have a fee structure or discounted fees based on volunteering or early sign-ups).


An Extra fee or Discount will only show up if at least one public active extra fee/discount is configured. Each of these is an optional selection for the registrant.